Demand Forecasting & Capacity Modeling

Predict future volume and staffing needs to run a high-quality, efficient, and profitable business.

Foundations™ Demand Forecasting & Capacity Modeling recommends workload capacity needs based on predicted future patient volume, using clear and accurate real-time insights.

Measures include predicted RVUs, case mix, scheduled capacity, turn-around-times, and by-the-hour stats vs by-the-day routines.

Automation features deliver forecasts through interactive charts that combine historical data with case mix scenario modeling.

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    Benefits That Deliver Results

    Machine learning models cut costs and reduce the effort associated with allocating staff and resources.

    Massive time saver. Helps improve profitability and ensures quality by helping staff make accurate decisions.

    Interfaces with third-party staffing solutions, enabling staff schedules to be seen directly within Foundations™.

    Related Stories That Tell You More

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